Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Very cheap way to get the word out for Ron Paul.. In print, even!

I found a website that is virtually giving away a custom rubber stamp. I'm not plugging them; I knew nothing about them until today...

Follow this link:
Iprint cheap stamp

There you can order a custom made rubber stamp guaranteed to print 1000 times with a single inking
for just the shipping cost of $3.79!! I had mine done in two lines:

Who is Ron Paul?

What a deal!! And what can I do with it? Stamp outgoing mail, stamp money (is that legal?),
stamp stickers (if I can't print them; I bet the local Dollar store has 100 for a dollar), stamp my
dog, whatever!! I can get his name on all kind of stuff!!

I thought I had seen something similar on the web before. Something about a group that was
reimbursing a $6 fee from another site if you ordered a Ron Paul stamper. But this is better!
You can pay for it yourself and it is cheaper.....

One other free thing; this group will send you a free Ron Paul bumper sticker: Bumper Sitcker
I have mine and i will be sending Jeff and his group a donation.I also found a site claiming that
calling 1-800-RON-PAUL will also get you a free bumper sticker but I have not tried that one yet.

If you have a business in Providence, Rhode Island, this guy on Craig's list says he will bring you
a Ron Paul poster and set it up for you. Business Poster

One other idea I had was to solicit local businesses for permission to display campaign material
in their building. In exchange, I will create a business honor roll blog that links to mine showing
their information and linking to their websites.

Does any one else have any other ideas? Let me know and I will blog them here..

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